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Holand lop

22 10:19:40

I have a male bunny he will be 4 months on 9/4.He is not neutered. My question: He will go to Hop away from me or my girls, and squirt us with I guess pee. It is gross. Why does he to this and will he ever stop. I have another question he tries to attack my husband. He will bite him any chance he gets, but he is good to me and my girls.Now he does do something strange to me he scrapes on my ankle and then tries to bite me,unless I have pants on????

Your boy definitely needs to be neutered.  The spraying that he is doing is likely to get worse.  And as bad as it is when he sprays people, he could start spraying so much that his and your living area could be a big stinky mess.

And this should curtail his obnoxious behaviors.  It will take about a month for the hormones to get out of his system.  Then he should be much more calm.

These sites give more info on neutering and those obnoxious behaviors neutering will take care of: