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dwarf rabbit general health

22 10:02:57

my daughters rabbit has decided to go and hide under the decking in the garden and wont come out when we moved a couple of pollanks today she ran off and hid underneath the other end, she was curled up and asleep when we tried getting her out, i am a bit concerned as to her not having any food since 8pm on friday 15th january

Dear Alli,

A rabbit who is not eating and acting this strange is probably very ill.  Please read this immediately:

and find a good vet here:

to take her immediately.

As my introduction clearly instructs, a rabbit who is not eating or is acting this way should be taken to a vet.  If you seek answers on the internet from an all-volunteer service like this one, the answer may come too late.

I hope the bunny will be okay.
