Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > new bunnies born- mother rejecton possible

new bunnies born- mother rejecton possible

22 11:37:32

Dear Kim and or Gina,

My family has had bunnies as pets for over 15 years total but never a female that was bread. My son's class  bunny is guesting with us over the March break because of our familiarity. Knowing she was expecting, we accepted gladly thinking this was a wonderful oppertunity.
Last night (Sat.) she had 7 Babies, one a tiny runt. Mommy spends extremly little time in the box, hops in and out. I'm very worried the babies are not nursing, perhaps they do when we are not in my daughters room ( Miss Bunny lover/expert age 10 ) What can we do? Please help quick, we don't want to turn this into a tragedy for the babies or my kids! Kind regards, Lynette in Toronto

Be reassured, this is normal behavior for a mother rabbit.  They nurse the babies once a day for like 5 minutes, and spend the rest of the time out of the nest.  If you are concerned that the babies are not being fed, wash your hands really well then check the babies.  If their tummies are fat, they are being fed.  If they are wrinkley and crying, then she isn't feeding them.

If you need to know how to handfeed them (if she isn't feeding them, which is unlikely), go to (which has good pictures and other info on baby bunnies).

So it sounds like so far she is doing what nature tells her to do, but you can discreetly check up on her to make sure she is.

The babies should stay with the mother til they are at least 8 weeks old, just to get the maximum benefits from mother's milk.
