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pooping behaviour

22 11:32:20

Thank you so much KIM!
You are absolutely right! We did have another bunny for 1 week which was a Christmas gift for my sister. The other bunny usually liked to go under the computer table but it did not soil the area with its excrement. Thank you so much for your response! You hit the nail on the head! Is there any way to get rid of that smell?

Your response raises the question whether he truly was neutered. We received a certificate of neutering from the breeders and paid $200 CDN for this bunny because he was neutered. They told us that it would prevent him from spraying everywhere and may even prevent his full growth potential since the procedure was performed early in life.

What are your expert thoughts on the above questions. You have been so helpful!
Thanks once again,

Followup To
Question -
Our Lionhead rabbit is 3 mos old and neutered. We had successfully toilet trained him so that he was free to roam around our apartment and hop back into his cage to do his deed. However, over the Christmas holidays we had taken him to my parents place for 1.5 weeks. When we returned from our visit, he was pooping fine in his cage until we let him out and he started to poop under the computer table despite my yelling. We bought another litter tray for the area and he still insists on pooping under the computer table by the wires.  What is going on with this bunny? Has he regressed? Is he mad at us?

Hope you can help a desperate bunny mommy.
Answer -
He is already neutered and he's 3 months old?  I didn't think he had any parts to neuter at that age.  I say that because marking is either a hormonal behavior or a territorial behavior.

Is there something under the computer table that smells like another animals has been there?  He is maybe nibbling on the wires and pooping while he is doing that?  Can you block him from getting under there with baby gates or something?

He could also be expressing his displeasure that you took him somewhere else.

My best suggestion would be to block him from getting under the computer table, and see if the behavior continues somewhere else in the house, if not, then it's some smell specific to that area.


You could try something like Nature's Miracle, but that usually is to take out stains.  Or Febreeze, or something your vet sells to take out smells.  It has to be something to take out the smell, not just cover it up.  And you may have to do it several times before he gets the clue.

If he is only 3 months old, I would wait another month or so, then check his parts to see what gender he really is.  This is an article that includes pictures so you can determine what he really is -  It is very difficult to tell with rabbits less than 4 months what the gender is, they aren't really fully developed before then.  If you look and see 2 testicles though, then obviously he wasn't neutered!  
