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Revolution for Rabbits.

22 10:21:19

I have heard everywhere, even the vets that you can use Revolution on rabbits.  Well, I have a mini lop and a mini rex and they both live indoors and have fleas!  I ordered the kitten/puppy formula of Revolution online and should arrive in the next few days, I was wondering how much do I use?  The mini lop(Spencer) weighs about 5-6lbs.  The mini rex(O.R.E.O.S.) weighs about 3-5 lbs. I am guessing here. lol.  If you know rabbits, then you know about how much they weigh.  Thank you for your help in advance!

I would assume that your mini lop is about 5 pounds and your mini rex is about 4 pounds (at least this is a safe guess for the breed standard)  and from the Pfizer Animal Health website (

"The recommended minimum dose is 2.7 mg selamectin per pound (6 mg/kg) of body weight, applied according to the following tables."

Because this is a bit hard to figure out since it comes in squeeze tubes I have heard that one drop per pound of weight is a good way to measure the treatment when your using it for rabbits.  I can not guarnetee this as I have never used it myself and have no experience with it personally but after talking to another breeder friend, this is how she and a few others have done for their mini rexes and it has worked well for them.

I would suggest calling your vet and asking what the recommended dosage of revolution is for a 5 pound rabbit

Good Luck