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mounting behaviour

22 10:25:26

I was told I have a female (Holly) from the local shelter.  Today I noticed she was mounting my daughter's bunny (Munster) who we believed to be a female also.  Holly is just over a year & I was told she's already had a baby.  Munster is maybe 3-4 months old.  Neither of these have been altered yet.  Thank you for your information.


please keep them separated until you can spay them.  You have two fully charged hormonal females together.  They will fight for the 'turf' if you keep them together.  the mounting is about dominance.  ANd it cna progress to fighting if both want to be the dominant rabbit.  Fighting can be vicious or deadly in unfixed animals.

So please keep them separate, and schedule some time with your regular, good rabbit vet, to get your gals spayed.  They will be a lot less aggressive and they will live a normal 10-12 years, as opposed to dying around 5-6 from uterine cancer if they remain unspayed.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet (not all vets are) go here:

You should only have good rabbit vets do any medical procedures on your rabbits.
