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Pasteurella,Entrobacter cloace, and Psedomonas

22 11:05:23

One of my rabbits has heavy growth of Pasteurella multocida and a heavy growth of entrobacter cloacae. He has had one case of head-tilt. Almost a year ago. He has fought to live the whole time. Not once has he given up.

He has been on several meds. Before the head tilt and several after. The latest is Zithromax. He seems to be doing so much better. We (my husband, myself and the vet) believe he can not be taken off meds.

The vet has little knowledge if this medication. Is there any long term effects? We do not want to take him off. He is looking so good. Is there anywhere I can go to read more information.

My other boy has pseudomonas. With the zithromax he stopped sneezing, no discharge. He looks great.

We are hoping now that he is healthy we can have him neutered. How long before we know if he is really healthy again? That it is safe to put him through the surgery?  

Dear Alicia,

If your plan is to have the boys neutered, then I certainly would ask the vet to monitor the situation and even do chest radiographs to be sure the system is as clear as possible before proceeding with total anesthesia.  I also would think it might be wise to keep the bunnies on the antibiotics until the neuter is done and they have recovered.  This is often done with human surgeries (especially dental surgeries) as prophylaxis against infection.

It's not possible to know if the bacteria will ever be completely gone.  But please read this:

for complete information on the best we can do with the tools we have.

If the infection is chronic, I would wonder if there is a nidus of infection somewhere in the head--namely the molar roots.  Please also see:

I hope this helps.
