Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > poorly loop ear 18 month old bunny

poorly loop ear 18 month old bunny

22 10:13:13

hi my bunny is carrying her head at a 45 degree angle and is very dosey but doesnt seem to have any painful areas her eyes look ok and she hasnt got swollen private parts, could she have had a stroke? should i take her to the vets

Hello! Becky
I am sorry it took me so long to reply I have been out all day.
As for your rabbit It sounds like it may have a ear infection or it has a condition called wry neck. The infection is curable, if you see redness in the ear or what looks like scabs way down deep you can treat it with olive oil about 1/2 t spoon in each ear will fix the scabs. The wry neck will have to be determined by a Vet.
Good  luck