Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Overturn of her food bowl

Overturn of her food bowl

22 9:45:15

Is it common that rabbits overturn there food bowl? what causes her to do that? is she upset or is she trying to tell me something?

and for my previous question asked do i need to bring her to visit a vet ?

Hi Lai,

No, a vet cannot do anything to treat or stop moon eye anyways so it would be a waste of time and money.  The best thing to do for her is to keep her things where she can recognize them in her cage, and continue to give her cuddles and love as always.

Rabbits will turn over their feed dishes out of boredom most often.  They want something to play with and they look at it as a toy, much as a toddler will throw their plate off of their high chair just to see it fall.  You can buy dishes that latch to the side of the cage so she can't waste her feed, and get her a few small toys to throw around her cage when she's bored.  A small block of unpainted, untreated wood is often their favorite toy!  They can chew it to pieces and it won't hurt them, and they can toss it around their cage to entertain themselves too.  Best wishes!