Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > grunt?


22 10:41:41

Hi Kiersten
i have an angora rabbit that is about 7 months old...she has always been very sweet and has always let anyone hold her.  However within the past week or so, i think she growled/grunted at me, it seems she did this twice when i had her food around her.  Although usually I would always give her a snack while i groomed her( because she is an angoria she requires much grooming) and while she munches on the snack she doesnt seem to notce me brushing her.  Since the grunt/growl Ive been nervous to brush her and she is getting very matted.  I have researched rabbit noises and I'm not sure if it was a growl or hiss, the best way I think someone online described it as was kind of a goose honk..? I think....
hopefully im not being to vauge
please help


This grunt normally happens when a rabbit gets older and begins to mature.  Is your rabbit neuterd?  If not then this grunt means nothing but she might bite.  If she does then give her a firm no and put her back in her cage.  Eventualy this will stop.  I hope I could help.  
