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Rabbits/ minis

22 11:08:52

hi, i have alot that i need to know about mini rabbits i need to know, how to clean them, the equipment needed to care for them, how and what to feed them, how to handld them , what tpye of housing they need, ans hoe to breed. can you help me?

Mini rabbits are the same as any other rabbits when it comes to caring for them.
Cleaning them is done mainly by brushing them. Housing is mainly just keeping them warm and dry out of drafts. has information about breeding/raising/and caring for rabbits. Check it out and read anything that you are needing to know about. I will be glad to answer any other questions you may have.
As for cage size- a good cage for most rabbit breeds is 24X24 inches. The giant and larger breeds need a bigger cage.