Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > found just bormn baby rabbit what do i do

found just bormn baby rabbit what do i do

22 10:33:13

HELP! HELP! HELP! I found a baby rabbit with its eyes still closed. My dad
already found three but forgot this one. The mom came for the other three.
But I don't know what to do with it. And i don't have an eye dropper.
Please help me i can't watch it die, it needs a chance to live. PLEASE!

If you can, you will want to put it back where the mother may find it and watch for a bit.

The reason I say this is that a wild baby bunny this young is going to be quite a challenge to keep alive.  And hopefully, the mother will find it and care for it.

Someone has written some instructions here on feeding and caring for wild rabbits:

If you have trouble, you may have to contact someone who is experienced taking care of wildlife.  This site has a link to wildlife rehabilitators and more information on taking care of wild rabbits: