Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > follow up question re true Rabbit Heimlich

follow up question re true Rabbit Heimlich

22 9:52:19

Hello, your answer to another of 6-15-10 re Mucus pouring from nose described how to do a true emergency heimlich where the bunny neck and spine are immobilized between your forearms, and you swing him so the centrifugal force can help clear blockage.

My question is: where exactly are your HANDS if you have to do this, on the front of his shoulders or also holding his head or?

thank you.

Dear Miki,

The few times I've had to do this, my hands were firmly supporting both the shoulders and the head, preventing them from moving separately.  The bunny neck is not very long, so you can do this if your hands are long enough and strong enough.  It is *critical* to support the neck so you don't end up snapping it in your attempt to clear the airways.

I hope you never have to use the bunny Heimlich.  :(
