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having problems with getting on hind legs

22 11:18:51

She seems to be having a problem getting up on her hind legs. She flops around, and just lays there. She is not eating or drinking as usual. Wants to be loved on more than usual. This has just started today. She is approx. 3 yrs. old and is a dwarf bunny. Lives in the home with the family. Could you please help me in knowing what is going on? Is she dying? Is there something we can do for her? Her name is Powderpuff. Please help. thanks Samantha

She could have a spinal injury of some kind.  Have you taken her to a rabbit knowledgeable vet to see if they can determine what the problem is?  Can she pull herself around with her front legs?

Until you find out what the problem is she is going to require different care than she has been getting.  You will need to put the water bottle or dish where she can get at it, and also put food right in front of her.

There is information on what constitutes an emergency at and I believe this does.

In case this is permanent, there is information at on how to care for her.

There are many bunnies out there who can't use their back legs at all that live perfectly normal lives, so if she doesn't have some sort of incurable problem she could still be around with you for several more years.
