Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is my rabbit to skinny

is my rabbit to skinny

22 11:18:51

my rabbit has suddenly lost some weight she has plenty of food and water availabe. she always has a strong apeitite. i have her outside on my porch is this normal or is it because of the heat? she seems herself i just want to make sure.
Please answer back thank you

Dear Christine,

Do you mean that she's losing weight even though she has a good appetite, or that she's not eating?  If the latter, it could be serious.  Please see:

and get the bunny out of the heat immediately if it's hotter than 80 Farenheit.  Many rabbits die from heat this time of year, as they do not handle it well, even in the shade.  They need to be kept cool!

Please also be sure she has plenty of cool, fresh water.  Weight loss can be due to dehydration.  Make sure she has a heavy crock, and not just a sipper bottle, since sipper bottles can clog and prevent a bunny from drinking normally.  A bowl is always best, as long as it's kept very clean and fresh.

Please also see:

I hope this helps get you started.  Please write back if you have other questions.
