Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Wondering whether bunnies can have safe outdoor play during summer weather

Wondering whether bunnies can have safe outdoor play during summer weather

22 9:58:53

QUESTION: Hi there.. I wrote before when building an outdoor run for the bunnies to make it safe. Thank you so much for your wonderful answer. My two bunnies now have a very secure area to run on the side of our house.

I haven't let them out in the past month or so since it has gotten so warm. I read that anything over 80 isn't good for them. I am feeling EXTREMELY guilty about them not getting any outdoor time. They have a cage with an open door and a room in the center of our house to run around in, but often they're just sitting on their rug or in their corner spot.

In May I was letting them out from like 4-9 a.m. when it was in the mid-70s at that time. Now it's never under 80.

So my question is, do I just keep them inside, or can they go out for a couple of hours in the super early morning?  Would they be happier in the a/c (for the record, we keep ours set to 78, but we have cool marble floors for them to lay on) or tolerate the heat for a little free time outside.

Thank you so much in advance!

ANSWER: Dear Stacey,

This is a matter of bunny preference, and it's difficult for most people to provide both options.  We have the luxury of free-range bunnies in the house who can come and go in our predator-resistant yard at will.  This allows them to come outside and play when they wish, but retreat to the cool indoors when they feel too hot.  Some bunnies actually stay outside all day even when the temperature is in the 90s, though, so go figure! They are acclimatized to the outdoor temperatures and humidity, so it doesn't seem to bother them.  And one little gal has even dug a burrow into the hillside where she spends the day in cool luxury.

If you have a way to provide a small opening for the bunnies to go in or out by choice, that would be ideal.  Otherwise, you might want to put them in their play area outdoors for a few hours in the morning, and then bring them inside when it gets too warm.  That would allow you to see whether they want to come inside, or put up a fuss and want to stay out. :)

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much. You're always a big help. :)

Unfortunately the room that's off the outdoor run is a bathroom with wood EVERYWHERE. I left them in there for 10 minutes before and they gnawed off the corner of the bathtub. :D But I could put a crate in that room and they could use the doggy door to get into the crate where they could rest and cool off if they wanted. At least then I could get an idea of when hot is too hot. Can bunnies learn to use doggy doors?

They ALWAYS throw a fuss to come back in. I have to chase the one back and forth and he's thumping the whole time. That's why I think they love it out there and I feel so bad not letting them have their outdoor time.

Thanks for the input. I think I'll try putting them out in the early mornings again when it's not too humid and hot until I can think of a better situation.


Dear Stacey,

My bunnies use our version of a doggy door every day, and they have no trouble.  I think if you just push them in and out of it a few times, they'll get the hang of it.  I think your idea of a doggy crate refuge is genius!

Good luck!
