Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Urgent!my bunny broke his toenail , and its bleeding....

Urgent!my bunny broke his toenail , and its bleeding....

22 9:54:33

My bunny jumped off a couch and landed wrong , and she broke her whole nail ,she broke it at the base of the nail , and it didn't quite fell off , it's hanging and it's twisted inwards.
What should I do?!

thanks in advance :)

HI Nikola,

It will fall off in time.  It is imperative to make sure that the bleeding stops.  You can hold the toe in flour or you can try kwik stop.  I have had the best luck holding direct pressure. Sometimes it can take  a long time holding direct pressure but  it works.  Use a clean washcloth or a clean rag and just hold it until the bleeding stops.  You can check it after about 30 minutes.  If the cloth becomes soaked with blood where it is starting to seep through then the bunny needs an emergency animal hospital immediately.

Trim the nail with cat clippers but only trim until you can see the stop (the part where you can see the vessels within the nail.  It is going to fall off regardless but if you trim it it will be easier to hold direct pressure.

If you don't feel comfortable with this then please get your bunny to your vet or to the nearest 24 hour animal hospital immediately.

Good luck
