Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Baby Rabbits!

Baby Rabbits!

22 10:39:43

I know I should move the babies then the mum into a cardboard box so I can clean out their cage but the babies are still in their nest!
Should I move them 1 by 1 or should I move them all by the nest?


I would not try cleaning the cage until the babies are at least 7-8 days old.  You can handle them before that if they fall out, or to check to make sure that they are huddled together in the nest (for warmth) or need to move them closer, or check they are alive.   But you should not clean the cage or switch the nestbox for 7-8 days after they are born.

When you do that, the best way to do it is to take mom out, and put her in a different area, preferably one where she can't see you cleaning.

When you switch out the old nestbox for the new one, you can move them 1 by 1, quickly.  Put them back snug next to each other so they share body heat.
