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Rabbits are NOT getting along

22 9:46:18

Help! I feel like I am at the end of my rope. I have two neutered, male dutch banded rabbits. We originally had one but then thought that since they were pack animals he would benefit by having a friend. Its been almost a year and they still fight. We have been diligent in breaking them up when fighting. We did the neutral area technique and sprayed them when they fought. We stopped having them out together at all after an injury. We would be fine with bringing them out one at a time from now on except that because of the need for dominance they both have abandoned their litter training. Its very frustrating. I love them both and want them to have fun outside of their cages but I can't keep up with the cleaning.

Hi Margaret,

It is very rare that two male rabbits whether neutered or not will get along.  The only thing you can do is to keep them separate.  We don't even attempt to bond male rabbits.  Is there any way that they can each have their own area of the house where they wont smell the other one?  If you can do that they may stop spraying but honestly once a rabbit starts spraying I have never been able to get them to stop.  The other option is to adopt a female rabbit for both of them to bond.  This may take their minds off of the other male in the house.  Most shelters will allow you to bring your bunnies in for meet and greets and you can usually tell within a matter of  few minutes if they will get along.

I really wish there was more I could tell you.  You can try asking Lee Meyer.  He has a lot more experience with bonded bunnies than I do.

Good luck and sorry for your dilemma,
