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sudden bunny death

22 9:51:15

Our bunny died suddenly this morning. Up to this point the bunny had been eating/drinking fine, no external symptoms. The kids were playing with it in the morning. We took it outside for some fresh air and after about 10 minutes we noticed it acting strange. It became lethargic/limp and unresponsive. Have you heard of anything like this happening? My theory is that it was possibly bit by a black widow.


I am sorry to hear about your bunny dying.

I cannot really tell you why this happened.  To have a chance to know why, you'd need a vet to do a necropsy on your bunny to determine a cause of death.

Generally this is one reason I never advise people ever to take their indoor house rabbits, outside.  Except in a carrier under control and safety for vet visits and other minimal necesary trips.  Indoors you can control their environment far better and effectively eliiminate the problems you cannot, outdoors.

I do not know where you had him outside, or what was around him, or the temperatures he was in, or if he had a problem during the night.  He may have not drank enough, something outside could have frightened him to death, he may have eaten something poisonous.  And unless you saw a black widow around him, they generally do not go after animals, but other insects.

Again, I am sorry for your loss.