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Moving house with my bunny

22 10:26:52

My bunny is a house/room bunny. He's male, un neutered and 18(ish) months old. He's never really been travelled before. We will move to a new place next week. I total the travel will be about 5-6 hours. I want to make it a stree-less as possible for him. I've bought a small dog carry case. Cool, and just big enough for him to turn around and stretch out...pull down breathable sides so I can check him and talk to him and feed him bit of treats. He'll be with me all the time on the bus and we can stop half way.

What I'd like from you is as many tips as possible ...easy home-made(no fancy vet medicines please as I'm in south korea and they eat rabbits rather than give them medicine..well at least in this country side part im in now!!!)

Also..when I arrive in my new place. What can I do to make him feel at home as soon as possible. I intend to stay with him and play or just hang around until he comes out of his hiding corner...but any advice will be appreciated.
I love my bunny so much, he's my best friend, I just want him to be happy!


You've already taken care of many of the important things.  He has a nice cool place to be, you can stop part of the way, and he'll have a bit of something to eat.

He may potty a bit in his carry case.  Line it with towels or something absorbent in case he does potty in it.  You'll want to bring a little bit of water with you.  Each rabbit responds to stress differently.  He may eat and drink fine, or he may be too stressed and will wait until things settle in his new home.

I have no idea what the weather is like where you are, but try to keep him cool.  Try to avoid placing his case in direct sunlight.  If it's going to be warm on your travel, you might want to take an ice pack or frozen bottle of water with you in case he shows signs of being too hot.  Placing that in his case wrapped around a towel would help if he gets too warm.

Some other items that some people take with them for a move is a mini-first aid kit.  Cotton gauze, syringes for administering liquids, a probiotic(benebac is one brand, don't know if you'd have it), baby rehydrating solution (pedialyte).  This site has some general lists of info for moves and travel:

The rehydrating solution will help if he gets too stressed to drinks and gets dehydrated.  It contains nutrients that will help his body recover in that case.  The probiotic could be used if he doesn't eat or eats less for a time in his new home.  It doesn't hurt him, and will help the good bacteria in his digestive system if he gets too stressed and doesn't eat normally.

When you get home, you'll want to get him settled in his home as soon as you can.  You already have the right idea of how to handle him when you get to your destination.  He may be a little bit stressed and need some time to adjust.  Extra love and attention will help him feel better.

Each rabbit is different, but don't be surprised if he may not each much the first few days.  You may have to entice him a bit with food.

I hope your travel goes well, and that this information helps.