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rabbits got no lower front teeth

22 10:58:02

hi, i just realised today when feeding my rabbit that he has recently lost his bottom front teeth and resorts to using his tongue instead.  Hes still eating although hes prefering softer fruits nowerdays.   Do rabbits loose their baby teeth? hes about 6/7 months old.  What should i do about it? is he in pain? thanks ever so much for your time

Hi Gemma

Rabbits don't lose there teeth.  In fact they continuously grow throughout their lives which is why it is really important that they have hay and wood type toys to chew on so they don't over grow.  He may have possibly broke them off by chewing on his cage or something he wasn't supposed to.

I don't know if he is in pain.  If he is you will probably never know.  We cut rabbits teeth regularly at the clinic if they have wolf teeth and it never seems to bother them.  I am worried that he is having difficulty eating normal pellets.

I recommend that you take him in for an exam by a rabbit savy vet.  They can check him out and make sure he is capable of still eating and make sure there are no infections in his mouth etc.

It is just not good to feed your rabbit an all fruit diet.  The vet should be able to take an xray and tell you if the teeth were pulled from the roots.  If the whole root was removed they won't come back but if they weren't they will eventually grow back out.

Good luck and I hope your little one makes out okay.

Thank you
