Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit hurt its foot...broken?

rabbit hurt its foot...broken?

22 9:52:39

We recently got a rabbit and it is still getting to know us, when i was handling her the other night she started freaking out and scratching and thrashing.  She got me pretty good and I dropped her, and she is not hopping on her back leg now.  It has only been 1 day, I felt the foot but can't tell if there is anything broken.  If it doesn't show signs of improvement in a couple days I am going to take her to my vet.  But is there any way to tell the difference between broken and just sore or sprained....?

Dear Jen,

I hope she's been seen by the vet by now.  But a good way to gauge the seriousness of an injury like this is to note whether the bun is putting *any* weight on the leg.  If not, it's more likely to be a break, not a sprain.  If the bunny is using the foot at all and putting any weight on it, then it less likely to be a broken bone.

Please read this for help with handling her and winning her trust:

And find an experienced rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
