Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > feeding


22 10:07:51

My granddaughter recently won a bunny at a fair.  How can I tell how old it is, what sex and how much should I feed it.  From the looks of it I would guess it can only be 2 or 3 months old.


The age can be difficult to determine if the breed is unknown. If you could, please attach a clear picture of your granddaughter's rabbit. That could help me decide what breed and age it could possibly be. It would help if you placed an object, such as an apple or pop can, in the picture as well to help me determine the rabbit's size.

As for the sex, it can be difficult to determine if you don't have anything to compare it to.
Check this link for pictures that represents each sex. It may be easier to tell when the rabbit is older. If you can't tell now, wait a couple of months and try again. Sooner or later testicles will either be apparent or not. Then you will be sure.
Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom where it says "Here is how to determine if your rabbit is a boy or a girl" click on either boy or girl to see the difference.

The general rule for feeding is to give them enough pellets to finish up in one day. If they don't eat it all in 24 hours, feed less. If they eat all of the food right away, give a bit more. I feed rabbits that are less than, or about 2.08 pounds 1/3 cup of pellets per day. Also, rabbits under 3 months are free fed timothy hay. I do not suggest feeding fruits or veggies to rabbits under 5 months because it can be dangerous to their delicate systems and cause diarrhea.