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my rabbits chewing problems

22 10:41:39

i have a 3 to 4 month old rabbit and he chews on the corner of our doors and the wall. i don't know what to do any more...HELP!!!!

Dear Alexis,

This is normal behavior for a growing bunny, and unfortunately, you'll have to physically protect your walls until he's about a year or 18 months old.  He's just like a destructive puppy or kitten, and sometimes you need to "bunny proof" to get through the "terrible tweens and teens".

We've found it helps to tack a long, untreated piece of molding (Home Depot has fir and pine that are safe) over the areas the bunny chews.  These can be replaced as necessary, and will save the actual baseboards and wall corners underneath.  Eventually, when bun outgrows the bad behavior, these can be removed.

To learn other ways to bunny-proof, please see:

To learn how to discourage naughty chewing, please write to the folks at for some great tips.

I hope this helps!
