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pregnant rabbit--help!!

22 10:38:25

My rabbit is pregnat, since I am new to this, I dont know what to do. I know that I need a nest box, but I dont know when to put it in to the cage. Also what to put in the nest box. Now it is getting cold outside and the cage is outside, should I put it inside. I herd that mother rabbits will eat thair babies, is this true? Thanks

Dear Riss,

Please read:


A well cared for mother rabbit will not eat her young.  If y ou provide her with a clean, quiet, comfortable place and don't stress her, the mama and babies should be fine.  Please see:

for more information on proper housing and care, to make sure this event is as uneventful as possible!

For a good rabbit vet, in case you need one, please go to:

Hope this helps.
