Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny..


22 10:42:20

Should i let my bunny out in the yard with suspervision but no back gate. THere is she ways to escape. He always wanting to go out but im afraid that he might run away. How do i get all the fur away in my house because my mom doesn't like fur so she told me to put it outside.. (Afraid it might die) I'm so worried about the rabbit. And i need to train him, how do i do that? Also, im not sure he trusts me.

Hi Susie,

Your rabbit will begin to trust you the more time you spend handleing it and hand feeding it.  I have the same problem with the fur.  What I reccomend is building an outdoor hutch or makin a run which is a small fenced in area where your rabbit can run around.  I hope I helped.  
