Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > flystrike


22 10:36:02

what is flystrike?I've heard some people talk about it.please tell me what it is.
also how can i prevent it?
does flystrike affect an indoor rabbit?


Dear Julia,

Fly strike occurs when blowflies lay eggs on a rabbit's skin or fur, and the maggots that hatch out burrow into the rabbits flesh and begin eating him alive.  It's one of the most horrible things that can happen to a rabbit, and it can be rapidly fatal without treatment.

Indoor rabbits are less susceptible to fly strike, but a bunny with a messy bottom or damp fur or skin infection can attract flies even indoors, so it's important to be sure your bunny is healthy and has no intestinal/mushy stool problems that can promote fly strike.

Outdoor rabbits are at greater risk, and although flies usually attack debilitated rabbits or ones with "messy bottom" or damp fur that has compromised the skin, even healthy rabbits can sometimes be affected unexpectedly.

This is just one more reason to keep your bunny safe inside.

Hope that helps.
