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Is my bunny pregnant?

22 11:19:21

I bought 2 dutch rabbits from a pet store on June 17, a male and a female. The pet store said that the owner's before us brought them in because the bunnies were trying to mate. When we brought them home they were ok,and would let you hold them and everything. For about a week now she won't let us pick her up and she runs to a corner of her cage when we try. We put her in with the male last night the 28th to breed her and when we got her in there she let out like a cry and kept running from him. It looked like he finally bred her, but we are not for sure. So we tried it again tonight and she ran from him the whole time, so we put her back in her cage.We tried to feel to see if she was pregnant and we could feel something but not for sure. She won't let us weigh her but my husband says it looks like she has gotten a lot bigger since we got her.Can you please help us? Thank you SO much!  

hi ashley-it sounds as though she may be pregnant they get quite grumpy-seperate her from the buck and ensure she has plenty of hay or straw in which to make a nest.feed as normal-24 hrs prior to birth she may pluck hair from her chest, this is normal.