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My rabbit bumped his head

22 9:51:16

Hello Dana, hope you are okay. Today my dad was holding Chamomile, and he wriggled so my dad put him down, but Cam staggered and bumped the back of his head on the glass door of the TV. I don't think he hit himself too hard but I did hear the impact of his head hitting it, which was loud. He seems fine though, hopping and skipping around etc, and I checked him for a lump on his head. He isn't lethargic, and eats with enthusiasm. I think the only reason he hopped away from me just now was because I was bawling my eyes out, which probably scared him. I can't help it though, I'm just so worried!!! The vets is closed as it's past 8 o'clock at night so I can't ring them. I'm keeping him in the house tonight to check if he goes lethargic or not. But I know rabbits don't tend to show if they are ill or hurt so how will I know? I'm taking him to the vets tomorrow anyway as he needs to get his nails clipped, so they can check his head. Is there anything I should do now apart from keeping him inside that will help him if his head is hurt? Thank you so much!

Dear Melissa

Sorry for the delay.  I was out of town with little internet access.

I think if he was acting normal immediately afterwards, that's a good sign that it wasn't a serious injury.  I hope he is fine by now, and that the vet has given him a clean bill of health.
