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Fast heart beat, no emotions, not eating.

22 10:49:02

I have a 9 month old mixed lop eared that is spayed and feed very well. One day I came home to see her and she was laying in her room breathing very fast. I moved her into another room and she normally does not like to be picked up but showed no care for me moving her. I moved her into another room and she continued to lay there. She did not make any noises or show that she is hurt but continues to breathe fast and lays down on her stomach. I left her some greens this morning and by the afternoon has still not touched them. Please help!!

There's is something most certainly wrong with your rabbit.  Without any additional info, I'm not sure what could be wrong with her, but you need to get her to a rabbit vet as soon as possible.

Some other things to look for that may help your vet diagnose the problem are:
1.  has she been producing less poop?
2.  has the poop changed size or texture?
3.  does her stomach make any rumbling/gassy sounds?
4.  has her water intake and urine output changed ion anyway
5.  has she been doing any teeth grinding?  this can indicate pain in addition to the discomfort your rabbit is already feeling

please get her to a vet as soon as you can, if you don't have one you can look here: