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My pet Ruby

22 9:57:34

I have a 3 1/2 month old female rabbit, Ruby. I brought her home from a pet shop when she was merely 2 weeks old. She is usually playful and loves surprising us with her antics :)however, from past 1 month she has been undergoing a treatment for mites, which has shown a significant improvement in her and the areas such as ear, nose and front feet are clear. My concern is with her hind leg which she keeps scratching and biting. After examining it, I found that a small red patch of skin. She bites that area too often which sometimes makes her irritable or quiet. It breaks my heart to see her suffer. Please help me to help my Ruby.

Dear Sonali,

I apologize for the delay.  Unexpectedly, a middle school ecology outreach program I was running went crazy at the end, and I'm just now getting my life back.  So sorry!  But I'm back now.

It could be that this itchy lesion is due to something other than the mites.  If it has not responded to the ivermectin or selamectin that your bunny has already received, please have the vet take a special look just at that spot to see what it is.  It might be an abscess, an insect bite, a fungal lesion, or any number of things that will require treatment different from that used to treat the mites.

I cannot tell what this is without seeing it in person, so you will have to rely on your vet for this help.  I hope she will be well soon.
