Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > caring and feeding abandoned baby rabbit

caring and feeding abandoned baby rabbit

22 10:44:47

Hi, I have an abandoned baby rabbit in my yard, I am estimating it to be about 1-2 weeks old.  I think the mother abandoned it.  How would I go about feeding it, so it doesn't die .  Should I pick it up and hand feed it? or just put food down?  Please let me know if you have any suggestions.  Thanks

Dear Cat,

The baby is probably not abandoned.  A mother rabbit stays away from her babies when she's not feeding them, so as not to attract predators.  She will feed only once or twice a day, and then the babies will run to her when she calls.

You are probably seeing a baby who has recently left the nest and is now exploring his surroundings in preparation for living on his own. It is best to leave him to his own abilities, and not disturb him.  

If you can absolutely confirm that the mother is dead and the baby is in desperate need of help because he is obviously starving, then this will help:

But if he looks perky and active, then you can be confident that mama is caring for him, even if you can't see her.  Baby rabbits are extremely difficult to raise, and by even touching them humans put them at great risk of potentially deadly intestinal infections because of contact with our normal bacteria that can be very dangerous to them.

I hope this helps.  I'm sure the baby will be fine.  Enjoy watching him grow!  :)
