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Treat two rabbit problems

22 11:22:55

My bunny has been shaking constantly from behind, at first I thought that it might be that he's never been with another bunny before but now he does it even when he's being picked up, carried, sitting, etc. Should I be concerned about this?
Also, he recently started having what I thought was diarreah but now I believe that he's producing excess cecal pellets. I've given him extra timothy hay and continue with regular diet, which is Russell Rabbit Food. He's been eating this for over 3 years now so I don't understand what could have caused this problem. Anyway, I gave him a bath because he was covered in poop and he seems to have hurt his front paw, is there a way I can treat it? I don't think it's broken because he seems to put pressure on it gently but most of the time he holds it up.
Any advice will help, I'm very worried about him. He's an adult bunny but I don't think he's too old.


Dear Daisy,

I'm not sure what you mean by "shaking from behind."  Since you seem to intimate that there might be something to do with sexual frustration, do you mean that he is pumping his hips in a "mounting" motion?  Please be a little more specific so I can help you.  If the above is what you mean, then neutering is the only thing that will disrupt the behavior.

You can read more about the causes and treatment of runny stool in rabbits here:

The two most common causes are diet too rich in carbohydrates:

and dental problems:

If your bunny is getting a healthy diet, then the latter is quite possible, especially if he's several years old.  You can find a good rabbit vet to diagnose and treat him here:

If he's putting weight on the foot, it's probably not broken.  But if you're not sure, or if it doesn't start to improve in a day or two, please get him to a good rabbit vet ASAP.

Hope this helps!
