Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Age of rabbit

Age of rabbit

22 9:38:50


Hi again, I wanted to give you an update and let you know we returned the other gray lop that had the eye infection to the breeder & exchanged her for this one but didn't tell me an exact age. Can you give me an idea of the age of this kit please? She is a holland lop and her ears have not fallen yet. Thank you!

There is no way this baby is 8 weeks old.  I would guess it is probably 4 weeks old.  Since rabbits have a sterile GI tract and they do not develop immunity until they are about 7 weeks old and shouldn't be weaned until 8 weeks old, I strongly suggest that you take your baby bunny to a rabbit savvy vet.

You might also instruct the person who sold it to you that it is illegal in many States to sell rabbits that are under 8 weeks old.
