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breeding and Showing

22 10:49:36

Hi I just recently took four rabbits home for a school project. I am supposed to breed them but I do not know how to tell if they're pregnant or what to do after I get them pregnant. one of my females is very aggressive and does not trust anyone but I believe she is pregnant and I am not sure I can get near her kits once they are born. Any information that you could give me on this would be very helpful.

Also, I am expected to show all four of my rabbits in July. The female I believe to be pregnant came to me with an attitude problem so bad that she bites any time you get close to her cage and I've been bittin more than once. She growls constantly and does not trust anyone do to past abuse. What can I do to calm her down before show?

Hi, Devin.

Wow, that's some school project. I hope first of all that you are breeding purebred pedigreed rabbits. As it is, there are a lot of mixed pet rabbits in shelters in need of good homes. Show quality animals have a very specific market for them on the other hand.

Before even beginning, I would recommend joining the American Rabbit Breeders Association ( With membership you will get a guidebook to raising rabbits. All of your answers should be covered in there from picking out good show stock to breeding and raising. It's an extremely valuable book.

I would also recommend the following website in the meantime:

It has a very comprehensive collection of information regarding breeding, showing, health, etc.

As far as the aggression, if you know she has been abused, it may take some time. As simple as it sounds, kindness will teach her that she does not need to fear you. Some rabbits are more aggressive by nature or when they are ready to be bred. Do not feel discouraged if she does not respond to acts of kindness, it may be due to a genetic trait, not abuse.

Good luck!