Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Debris in Bunny eyes

Debris in Bunny eyes

22 9:45:49

I recently noticed that my bunny has white kind of clear strand in his eye and I dont know if I should get it out or if it will just come out by itself its on his right eye but not in his tear duct its actually in the middle of his eye.

Dear Maddy,

It's probably just a bit of "sleep" goo.  I use a cotton swab moistened with saline to very gently catch the edge of the blob, and then sort of "reel it in" by spinning the swab.  The mucus mass usually winds up on the swab, and voila!  All clean.  :)

Just use the same basic methods you'd use to get a blob of goo out of your own eye, and avoid touching the cornea, since that smarts!

Hope that helps.
