Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunnymac


22 11:32:48

is it really best and healthiest for my male rabbit to be fixed?is it necessary?will he stop sprayen and being aggressive and sniffen my arm like i am a girl bunny? can i feed bunnymac oranges?will he live longer and happier?will he hate me?

Dear Christine,

It's always a little bit traumatic to consider neutering your friend because you're afraid his personality will change, or he'll be angry with you.  But neutering a male bunny is the only way to eliminate the spraying and aggression he's displaying.  His underlying personality won't change, but he will lose his sexual desire and seem calmer.  Neutered animals have a greater chance to have a longer lifespan than unneutered animals, and he will lose the sexual frustration that's making him aggressive and grumpy.

You can read more here:

It's important to have a vet who is experienced with rabbit medicine and who has successfully spayed and neutered many rabbits.  You can find one here:

Oranges are okay as a treat in *very* small amounts--no more than a teaspoon.

Hope that helps!