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Bunny rolls in poo

22 9:48:07

I have an older bunny, 4-5years old. Her cage area is 6x4 with a large hutch at the end. She has 2 heavy cardboard boxes turned upside down which she loves to hide in, chew on and hop on top of. She has wood toys, a salt lick and gets timothy hay 24/7and fresh greens twice a day with some sort of fruit everyday too. She has a potty bin which she uses probably 98% of the time and loves to sit in, , , mostly when full of her poo and pee. I know it's okay for her to eat her poo but she also rolls around in it and takes naps in it. Is this normal/okay? I worry because I don't know if this will make her sick or if she is doing it because maybe she is sick or just doesn't feel well.
Thank you so much for your help.

hi you have a very funny rabbit who obviously likes to lie in her litter bin-you will not stop her but i suggest you change the box every night and maybe once a week give her a warm bath in warm soapy water rinse in warm clear water and dry her with a warm hair dryer.