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angora mixed dwarf rabbit

22 11:04:47

I really sorry to bug you but thank you so much for telling me this information.  If I got my rabbit in February, can I bring my rabbit to school in May?  If so should it be kept on the counter or on a desk?  Thank you again for answering my questions.  Your answers are very well respected by me.  Thank you once again!

Dear Vanessa,

When and if you do decide to bring your rabbit to school (I guess May would be okay, if you really feel you *must* do this, but remember that rabbits are easily stressed!), then the safest place for him is in a secure, cozy pet carrier where he will feel sheltered and safe.

Line the bottom of the carrier (you can get these at any large pet Supply outlet) with soft cotton towels (no holes that could catch a leg or head!), and put a large bunch of fresh hay in one corner.  Bring a water bowl with you, and once you're at school, fill it and put it in the carrier with the bunny so he can drink when he feels thirsty.

I would not keep him on a countertop or desk, as these are very slippery and will make him feel insecure and scared.  There are different types of carriers, and if you want to be able to show your bunny to others without stressing him, try to find one on which the top portion pops off relatively easily, so you don't have to reach in and drag him out. That way, you can let your friends gently pet the bunny (do not let an inexperienced person *hold* your bunny unless you show them how to do this properly--too many rabbits are permanently crippled when they kick suddenly and break their own backs--or are dropped by a surprised person when the bunny struggles!) without ever having to take him out of his refuge.

Remember:  when you do this, your bunny's safety and comfort and the MOST important things of all.  
