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Loss of a partner

22 11:12:18

Dear Samantha,

I have just lost one of my two bunnies. She (Misty) had a diarea for a few days and now she passed away. I can't find the cause of her death as nothing specific has changed in her diet for the past few weeks, and she seemed to eat normally. But what concerns me most now is the happiness and health of my other bunny Motto (male rabbit).

They were together for 2 years and a half. Misty was always 'the scared rabbit' and Motto 'the dominating' when it comes to food and territory, but Misty always cuddled Motto and was like an obedient, loving wife having a man who needs her care but does not give much in return. I do not know how strong their relation was,but I can only guess that they bonded very strongly. This morning, when I saw Misty dead, lying in her wooden trunk and Motto outside eating, it seemed to me that he did not understand what is going on or that he accepted it as normal, or may be he was in schock? I do not know. I need your advice on what to do next to help him feel better, or to avoid schock? Should I get him a partner soon or should I let him live for a while by himself? How can I select his new partner? I live in Germany and here all I can do is go to an animal store and place him together with a bunch of other rabbits, but how will i know which one he likes most, since all rabbits tend to sleep and move around together (at least that's what I have seen so far)? What food can I give him to make him feel better, what care? Should I send him for a week to an animal hotel to live with other rabbits for a while?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Rabbits generally deal with loss of their friends better than the owners do. Rabbits really are used to living by themselves. They do in the wild. Taking him to a pet store to "help choose his mate" can expose him to diseases that can potentially harm him. The best thing to do would be to leave him by himself for a while, that is with out another bunny and see how he copes. He may actually like it better when he is getting all the attention.