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hyper-extended bunny paw

22 11:15:57

Hi!  I posted a question a few weeks ago about my bunny having a broken paw and I just wanted to thank you so much for your advice; you were absolutely right.  I took her to her normal vet where she was x-rayed and I found out her paw wasn't broken after all, it was hyperextended.  The vet said she probably has soft tissue damage and torn ligaments, so she put her in a cast for just over two weeks.  After a few days she gained almost full mobility with the cast on, and she appeared to be in no pain.  Her cast was taken off 2 days ago and since then she seems to be struggling with her paw, and she seems very tense and a little stressed out.  She never really relaxes like she used to.  Her ears are always up and she doesn't look as happy as she normally does.  I was just hoping you might know if this is typical behavior after having a cast on for a few weeks.  If so, do you know how long the recovery process can be (generally of course, im sure it varies from bunny to bunny)?  The doctor did mention that her paw is probably a little atrophied as well. Any insight or advice you can give is very much appreciated. Thanks so much for your help, it makes me so sad to see her when she's hurting :(

Dear Kristen,

The vet is absolutely right in saying that the paw's muscles could have atrophied a bit while in the cast, but with use the foot should regain its usual flexibility.  It might help for you to put warm compresses on it (if she'll sit still) and give her very gentle massage to maintain normal range of motion so the joints don't "freeze up".  Back off if it seems painful, and never force anything.

You might also ask the vet about getting some type of NSAID for her (meloxicam is good) to help relieve any inflammation she might still have. Soft tissue injuries can take a really long time to fully heal, and any little bit of pain relief will be appreciated by your bunny.

If the paw seems swollen, ask the vet about applying cold compresses, alternating with warm ones.  Treat this as you would a human's soft tissue injury, and she should recover find.  It might just take a while.  But she's lucky to have such a caring, attentive "mom."  :)

Hope this helps!
