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My Rabbit screaming

22 9:51:31

Hi...I have gone through the sites about the reasons for rabbits screaming.But now I'm not to sure about the answers i found.I have a small rabbit,and this morning when i woke up,i went to use the bathroom,when i left my rabbit screamed until i picked him up and held him close to me,then he stopped,so I'm not sure if that could mean that he was scared of me leaving,he has grown very close to me,we share allot,we even share my bed,hes almost like my child.Could there be a different reason for him screaming or what could it be?Please tell me if there is anything i must look out for?Also if you could maybe send me a list of foods he can eat,that is a positive for my bunny.I don't want to give him anything that might harm him.

I would really appreciate your help.

Kind Regards


hi susan he probably screams because he gets frightened without company.
in time he sjhould settle down .
food is:-
pellets or
dry rabbit mix
bits of veg -only once a week
plenty of water to drink.
if feeding pellets dont give dry mix.
no fruit as it gives them the runs.