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home for my rabbit

22 11:34:15

We just got a puppy and within a week the puppy had tapeworm from eating the rabbits poo. Unfortunately, the rabbit stays out during  the day in a netted area so she can hop around (she's litter trained), so now I have to avoid the puppy from going into this area which is going to be difficult because this is the place we had anticipated for the dog to spend some time. And I don't want to keep the rabbit confined to a cage.  He needs a good home.  Help!  

It is VERY unlikly that the puppy got the tapeworm from the rabbit "pellets".  Rabbits RARELY have problems with that sort of worm and just eating rabbit droppings will not give a dog worms.  Puppies are prone to worms and they can have them for a long time before you realize that they are there.

I am sorry, but I am not sure what the question is, but I can tell you with a 99% certainty that the worms did not come from the rabbit.