Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New bunny with diarrhea

New bunny with diarrhea

22 11:04:46

I just got a new rabbit that is a female lop about 3 months old. She seemed perfectly healthy but the following day, i have found that she has diarrhea and do not no what has caused it. Could it be caused by the change in her diet and enviroment???  She is being kept seperate from all other rabbits at this time until she has adapted to my care for her and being fed rabbit pellets and a handful of hay daily. what should i do to help her with the diarrhea???

Dear Saiyuki,

Runny stool (a sign of cecal dysbiosis) is a sign of stress, and in young rabbits it can be very serious.  Please read this immediately:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

She may need supportive care such as intestinal motility drugs, subcutaneous fluids, and force-feeding if the runny stool has weakened her or dehydrated her significantly, which can happen easily with a bunny this young.  To be safe, please get her to a good rabbit vet for complete care of this potentially very dangerous condition.

I hope this helps.
