Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > We found a baby rabbit outside and think it might be orphaned what should we do?

We found a baby rabbit outside and think it might be orphaned what should we do?

22 10:49:32

Hey Sarah Geirs!
We saw an adult wild rabbit a few weeks ago but we haven't seen it since. We think it is the mother of a baby rabbit that's been hanging around outside our house, but we're not sure it if the mother is still alive. Last night the baby rabbit was lying under a plant and it hasn't moved since!  The bunny seems very weak and its small. We're not sure what to do, take care of it or let it be. Can you help us? If we do decide to keep it what do we feed it, and how do we tell how old it is.

I apologize for the delay in answering. I was having problems with my email, so I did not get the notices that I had waiting questions.

Are the eyes open? If you move up to it, does it hunker down and try to hide or is it unresponsive? If it does not show signs of responding, it may be in poor shape. If it responds, though, it is probably just waiting in its nest for its mother. Mother rabbits only nurse once or twice a day. The best thing to do would be to contact your local game warden or fish and wildlife department. Wild rabbits, while similar to domestic rabbits, are not exactly the same. Someone more qualified with wild animals could take a look at it to assess it's condition and care for it if needed.