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urinating and deficating on my couch

22 11:21:53

Our indoor pet rabbit, "Grace" has started wetting and messing all over my couch.  We took in my mothers cat this winter and she had the nerve to use Grace's litter box one time only.  Grace got her nose out of joint and has been taking it out on my couch ever since.  Now she can only be out every other day or so and I have to put plastic all over the furniture and she still goes up on the couch and messes all over the plastic.  Please help if you can because Grace is so bent about having to be in her cage so much now.  She is messing all over her cage now too.  It seems like she is just mad as the devil and making me pay for it.  What do you think?

Is Grace spayed?  If not, then it could be a hormonal behavior rather than just a behavioral one.  If she is not spayed, having that done should make her return to normal litterbox habits in a few weeks.  Now if she is spayed, this could be behavioral, in which case you may just have to keep her away from the room with the couch.  Rabbits don't generally hold grudges for that long a period.

You might check out this information about rabbits with issues at
