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An Odd death.

22 10:01:32


A long, long, LONG time ago, my doe bunny had a litter of kittens.  She had seven, and though the litter was accidental (We went on holliday for two weeks, leaving our bunnys in the care of friends and came home to a pregnant female,) we looked after the little ones and found them all good homes.  We kept one, but sadly, ay only six months old, she passed away.  Though this happened ages ago, I'd like to get some idea to how she died.  You see, our rabbits get out every day, and so did she.  There was nothing wrong with her at all just hours before she died.  When I found her dead, she was under a ledge in her cage, where its dark, like  most animals that know there about to die.  Do you think it was a heart attack?  I know for a fact that the other kittens in the litter (even the runt,) are still healthy six years down the line.

This is not an emergency by far, so feel free to ignore it for a while! lol

thanks for your time!!!

Sarah x

Hi Sarah,

Honestly there is no way to tell why a rabbit died without a necropsy.  It could be anything from stress to poisoning to GI issues etc.  Unfortunately rabbits sometimes die with no apparent reason.  I really wish I had more answers from you but really it is just impossible.

Good luck
