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How much space?

22 10:32:34

I have rescued a sweet lop/netherland mix.  His name is Houdini (because he's an escape artist)Every day, we take him out of his cage and put him in a safe indoor enclosure of about 6 feet x 4 feet to play.  Is that enough room?  Would it be safe to put the enclosure outside if he has supervision? He "dances" and zooms around, and I've been thinking about getting a small cat tower for him, as he loves hopping up on the furniture, but cannot do that in his enclosure.
Thank you!

Dear L.A.,

Well, one good possibility is to have your new pal neutered, and litterbox train him, and bunny proof the house so he can stay out all the time.  Our bunnies are never caged, have full run of the house, and they are a hoot!  

For more information on spay/neuter:

and for litterbox training:

For all the best information on care and housing for your bunny, be sure to visit

Good luck, and Happy Spring!
