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cats and rabbit bonding

22 10:33:24

Right now I have a rabbit and a cat that have both lived together since they
were babies. We found our cat when he was 4 weeks old under my
grandparents porch. He has a brother or sister that my grandparents have
fed since he/she was 4-5 weeks old. The cat comes up to the screen door of
the deck and eats twice a day. My mother and I were thinking about taking
this cat which is now about 10 months old and bringing it to our house to
live.We are worried about our rabbit. He gets along great with our cat and
they both left by themselves during the day. how will bringing this new cat
home affect our rabbit and do you think they could ever be friends? Could
this new cat ever be domesticated as well? Thank you!!

Dear Christina,

Be *very* careful when bringing this new cat into the house.  Not only is he wild and possibly rambunctious, but his claws and teeth are covered in potentially deadly bacteria to which your rabbit is especially susceptible (Pasteurella, Bartonella, etc.).  Even the slightest puncture or scratch can result in a fatal inoculation of these bacteria that can kill.  Since you don't know this cat's personality, keep him strictly away from the rabbit, and at least clip/file his claws so he can't accidentally injure the bunny.

There's no telling how the bunny will react on a personal level until you introduce them.  But do so very cautiously, using the tips here:

I hope that helps get you started.
